There were a lot of migratory warblers in the area, as well as Painted and Indigo Buntings. Slowly I picked up migratory warblers. First new bird for the year today was Ovenbird seen in and below a sea grape near the white gate that indicates Restricted Entrance, where the Thick-billed Vireo was being seen. Then I finally found a Cape May Warbler, then Palm Warbler, and then closer to noon, a Black-throated Blue Warbler a female. All of these were new for the year. However, no success in the morning on either hearing or seeing Thick-billed Vireo or the Bahama Mockingbird. Near lunch time I met a young family, Ed and Kelley Casper from Illinois with their two young sons, Eddie and Brett (hope spelling is correct). Eddie and Brett were the obvious birders in the family being led by Joe (Jose) Barros, who is the president of Tropical Audubon, and being helped by another man whose last name is Weber, a familiar name to me. Both Joe and Ed Casper, the father asked me why I was wearing a t-shirt with Crest on it. I told them about my career with P&G, but I may have forgotten tell them that I worked on all Crest products from 1994 until the end of October, 2013, when I retired from P&G to do this Big Year. Both Joe and Ed are dentists, but maybe not Crest advocates, perhaps advocates for Colgate, just an impression that I got.
While we were gathered in the parking lot, Eddie and Brett pointed out a Gray Kingbird on the power line a new bird for the year for me. See photo.

On my way back out on the nature trail, I met Rack from Tennessee. When we arrived in the grassy open area, a male Bobolink in breeding plumage flew up and landed in a tree. This is also a new bird for the year.
The afternoon was spent looking for the Thick-billed Vireo. I finally found a Prairie Warbler at the white gate, another new bird for the year. Robin Diaz, a local expert, showed up about the middle of the afternoon. She head the vireo singing, so all the birders present followed her, and we heard it singing at close range. It was singing a more hoarse and burry song similar to but not exactly like a White-eyed Vireo. It was not exactly at the white gate but more toward the entrance to No Name Road. Earlier, before noon, I met the birder from Philadelphia, whom I met at the White-cheeked Pintail. He played a recorded song and call of Thick-billed Vireo for me. This singing Thick-billed Vireo sounded very similar, but was singing a lightly different version. Birds do change their songs, and not all birds of a feather, the same species, sing exactly identical songs. Unfortunately, this bird did not come out in the open to be seen. I have seen Thick-billed Vireo before in the Keys in the fall of 2004.
Later, as we continued to try to see the Thick-billed Vireo, two White-crowned Pigeons flew over, new for the year. Robin Diaz, who works in the park, also saw them and told us that a pair is in the park, perhaps trying to breed and nest in the area. During the continuing vigil for the Thick-billed Vireo, warblers were everywhere. Prairie, Black-throated Blue, at least two Northern Parula, Cape May and American Redstart were numerous and hawking insects in the open. An adult male Black Poll Warbler showed up, another new species for the year. I had already seen Common Yellowthroat and Black and White Warbler, not new for the year.
We heard a song, that was thrasher-like, that several of us thought might be the Bahama Mockingbird. However, Robin indicated that it was the whisper song of the local Gray Catbirds, which they sing before the breeding season. We were not convinced until we heard two different birds singing this same song. She stated that the experts agree that it is very hard to tell the difference between this whisper Gray Catbird song and the song of a Bahama Mockingbird. I have seen Bahama Mockingbird at least twice before, once obtaining a taped recording of a bird found by Larry Manfredi in Taylor Birch Arboretum, now State Park, on May 16, 1992. Today at Bill Baggs, we never heard or saw a Bahama Mockingbird.
I made one late day try for another look at the La Sagra's Flycatcher, but could not find it on the Nature Trail at the intersection indicated previously. I continued on the trail toward the light house, and found a beautiful male Painted Bunting. I also found two male breeding plumage Indigo Buntings on the Nature Trail.
Finally, I decided to stop birding and got some dinner at the restaurant in the park near the parking lot at No Name. A storm with very heavy rain came in and I was trapped in the restaurant for an extra 30 minutes. By that time, my phone's battery was almost dead, and I could not use my phone to find a motel room in Kendall for the night. However, I got some help from a lady at a quick stop and used my Road Atlas (a book in this digital age!) to find my way.
Ovenbird, Cape May Warbler, Palm Warbler, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Gray Kingbird, American Redstart, La Sagra's Flycatcher, Bobolink, Prairie Warbler, Thick-billed Vireo, White-crowned Pigeon and Blackpoll Warbler makes the total 353.
Apology: I am not sure why, but the link to my list disappeared from my blog. Yesterday, when I up-dated my list, the list disappeared from my blog. Then the link disappeared. I spent almost two hours yesterday morning trying recover them, but finally gave up. There is a problem between Google and Word for Windows Excel. I will continue to try to recover the link and keep access to an up-dated list, but not at the expense of birding time. I was able to recover the link and the list this morning in a short period of time. Hope that it stays. Sleep does wonders!
Jay, I am assuming that you've heard about the Woodstar in Denver, PA? Found yesterday.
ReplyDeleteAmazing trips Jay. I wish I was back in Brownsville, but you've given me hope for my Florida trip for some new birds in September. Enjoy your posts. Hope to catch up with you again in 2013.