I arrived at Marshall's Pond at 7:00 am. It was very cold and had snowed about an inch or so the night before. There was no Pink-footed Goose. In fact there were not very many geese on the pond. They must be out feeding. I went to St. Joes Field, but there were no geese. Castle Park was close by so I went there. I saw flocks of geese flying back toward the pond at Marshall's. I also checked the nearby golf course again, and saw more geese heading back to the pond at Marshall's. So I returned to the pond at Marshall's. I could not find the Pink-footed Goose at first, But eventually at about 11:00 I found the goose with its head tucked at the north end of the pond right by the shore and a small tree. Shortly, two ladies from New Jersey came looking and asked if I had seen the goose. I showed them where it was. I got some photos as did one of the two ladies. But first I called Bob Wallace and Vincent to let them know the goose was still present. The top picture shows the bill and face from the side.

The middle picture is my best full side. The bottom picture shows how the bird got its name showing the pink foot and leg. This makes the total 90.
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