Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Not The Start Expected on January 1

I expected to have everything resolved and ready to go come January 1.  However, I needed to buy a new car first to have more reliable ground transportation.  Yesterday, December 31, was my 70th birthday, so I celebrated by deciding on the internet which model of the new Dodge Dart I wanted.  I had decided before that the new Dodge Dart is the new car I wanted, because I have had a 1973 Dodge Dart (225,00 miles for me), 1992 Dodge Caravan (199,000 miles before it died) as well as a Plymouth Voyager with high mileage and my currently owned 2005 Dodge Caravan (237, 000 miles) still running which took me to PA and back for Thanksgiving and Christmas and a "side trip" to MA for the Northern Lapwing.  But before I spent the day choosing my car, I birded on my property and added Northern Cardinal, American Robin, Song Sparrow, House Sparrow, Carolina Wren, House Finch, Blue Jay and Red-bellied Woodpecker.  Nine species to start my Big Year.  Not great but a start. I will have a list available and linked to this site eventually.

Over the Christmas Holiday,  I put together a list of winter specialty birds and rarities already present in the ABA Region, US including Alaska, CA north of Mexico but not including Greenland and Iceland.   I came up with a list of about 50+ species to focus on for January and February and into early March.  This will be my starting strategy with obtaining any of the more common species while I am pursuing winter specialties and rarities. 

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